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… Follow-Up on the SCORE Study

Geo-referenced Data on Sub-national Context and Radical Right Support in Europe

DP-R|EX is proud to announce that the extended part of the SCoRE study is now available via the Data Secure Center at GESIS. These data allow the analysis of regional differences in support for the radical right. The sensitive data have a high potential of re-use due to their small-scale division into so-called raster grids and contribute significantly to research on spatial disparities in Germany.
Due to the detailed information on respondents’ places of residence combined with attitudes towards right-wing extremism and racism, this data deserves special protection, which is guaranteed by the Secure Data Center at GESIS. This includes a request for access to the data.

Information about the study and details about the data access can be found here:

For more information about the project, please visit the following website: